Monday, March 23, 2020

Brief Further Update


I last updated my classification of Stages (esp. with respect to the main bands and levels of the full spectrum of potential development) on 21st March, 2008.

Though this classification (comprising 7 bands and 21 major levels) still holds I believe they can be given a somewhat simpler explanation, which in turn could prove useful in providing a helpful new perspective with respect to the clarification of fundamental developmental issues.

We identified earlier that development - at whatever stage - involves the interaction of a certain configuration with respect to both differentiation and integration (which is unique for each stage). This in turn entails two distinct logical systems which are linear (1) and circular (0) with respect to each other (with differentiation relating directly to the former and integration to the latter system respectively).

When development commences both differentiation and integration are in a very embryonic state (where both processes are substantially confused with each other).

Emphasis is then largely on the gradual strengthening of conscious ability relating directly to the capacity to successfully differentiate in experience (which in turn entails the growth of the linear logical system).
Thus the Lower band is associated with this general trend towards successful conscious differentiation

The levels within that band then centre in turn round each of the main polarities of experience.
So the earliest level (L3 - Archaic)) we have the separation of the diagonal polarities (of form and emphasis) leading to the successful differentiation of the body self.
Then at the next level (L2 - Magical) we have the additional separation of the vertical polarities (of whole and part) leading to successful differentiation of the emotional self.
Then at the final level of the Lower Band (L1 - Mythic) we have the separation of remaining horizontal polarities (internal and external) leading to differentiation of the mental self.

Though supporting integral development is of course also necessary at these stages, it is of a somewhat reduced nature that serves the needs of the differentiating personality. In other words development here is largely ego-based.

I then identify the second major Band (Middle) with the specialised development of such (differentiated) conscious ability. This equally entails specialisation with respect to the linear logical system.
Again each level can be largely linked with one of our main polarity sets. 
The first level (of the Middle Band) i.e. L0 - Concrete relates to specialisation with respect to separation of the horizontal polarities (where the internal observer is clearly distinct from the externally observed object). Then the second level (L0,H0 - Formal) relates to additional specialisation with respect to the vertical polarities. So we can see how science attempts to abstract the most universal principles (as whole) which can ultimately be related to minute detailed data (as parts).
Finally the third level i.e. H0 – Vision) relates to specialisation with respect to the diagonal polarities where both vertical (whole and part) and horizontal (internal and external) aspects can be simultaneously combined. This in turn is associated with an underlying spiritual intuitive capacity enabling in a suitably gifted person, vast networks of interlocking ideas in a very creative manner.

However this zenith point in terms of dynamic rational ability can represent a decisive turning point due to the gradual undermining of the dualistic assumptions on which linear understanding is based.

So the third (higher) Band is now concerned with the gradual direct development of holistic integral capacity (which is related in turn to the circular logical system). This is based on the interaction - and ultimate spiritual identity - of complementary opposites in experience (that from a dualistic perspective seem paradoxical).

The first level (H1 - psychic/subtle) relates mainly to the horizontal internal/external polarities (operating with a given level) whereby they are now substantially integrated in complementary fashion.

The second level (H2 - causal) now deals with the additional spiritual integration of the vertical whole/part polarities (operating between levels). This in turn requires the subtle interplay of both real (conscious) and imaginary (unconscious) experience whereby without undue reductionism - in any relevant context - each part is spiritually contained in the whole and the whole in turn spiritually contained in each part.

The third level (H3 - nondual) further combines pure spiritual integration of the diagonal form/emptiness polarities, that simultaneously operate within and between levels. This culminates in the experience of pure Spirit (as emptiness) where phenomena (of form) are now so dynamically transparent that they no longer even appear to arise.

However just as we earlier had the specialised development of linear (differentiated) understanding with the stages of the Middle Band, we now likewise have the specialised development of circular (integral) understanding with the Advanced Higher Band.

So with the first level of this Band (H3-L3 - pure transcendence), an extreme in terms of pure transcendence (as Spirit beyond all form) is reached which however leads to a corresponding imbalance with respect to pure immanence (as contained within all form).

With the next level (H3-L3 - R0 - immanence and transcendence), the corresponding immanent direction is now brought into balance.

Then with the final level of this band (R0 - Emptiness as Form), the identity of form and emptiness is finally approximated as a pure point standing at the mid-point as it were between Spirit as (transcendent) goal and Spirit as (immanent) source of finite creation.
Equally it represents the midpoint or mean - as it were - of both the linear and circular logical systems.

The fourth band therefore represents a transition or bardo phase as between development following natural birth and a radical new type of development - which I refer to as radial - following spiritual rebirth (where form and emptiness can now truly interact in a pure refined manner).

So radial development then entails the same 9 levels identified in the first three bands (following natural birth). However whereas these earlier bands were devoted to the - relatively - separate unfolding of linear and circular understanding respectively, now with radial development the mature simultaneous interaction of both can unfold.

Radial development can be likened to a unbounded circle from whose centre lines emanate in both directions outwards towards an invisible circumference.
So in this sense we literally have radial lines emanating from a spiritual centre where each line can be viewed as heading in one direction as - relatively - separate and discrete or alternatively in conjunction with its opposite (heading in the other direction) as complementary and continuous.

So the key aspect regarding radial development is that development now primarily relates to a spiritual present moment (continually renewed) through which phenomenal events occur in a relative framework of space and time. This framework is temporarily fixed for the operation of linear and then dissolved again where circular understanding is involved. Thus with the true balanced operation of both linear and circular understanding, one can keep returning in experience from this temporary world of space and time back to the continual present and then out once more from this spiritual centre to phenomena in space and time.  

So in this context I will now briefly deal with the radial bands (and levels) which entail slight changes in terminology from the previous classification.  

I now refer to the fourth Band (i.e. the first of the radial) as the Earlier Radial Band.

As with all the Bands it has three major levels.

Just as the first level (after natural birth) relates to differentiation of the bodyself, this level (R1 – spiritual rebirth) in turn now relates to the unfolding of the radial bodyself (where both mature integral and differentiated understanding are combined).

The integral aspect relates to the identification of one’s body with the entire world of form (through their mutual life in Spirit) and I have dealt with the nature of this awakening on many previous occasions.
However the differentiated aspect relates to the keen realisation of one’s separate physical identity (as a unique individual in the world). Though we are indeed at the radial levels this sets the scene for a new deeply existential struggle whereby one attempts to appropriately express this universal realisation of Spirit through the contingent circumstances of the individual self.
So this account undoubtedly reflects a particular personality type (e.g. in Enneagram terms the 4 with a 5 wing) where the existential dilemma is never far from the surface.
And with the more passive contemplative type the initial gap, as between universal realization of the spiritual nature of reality and one’s ability to express this realisation in everyday phenomenal circumstances, can be especially wide (thus heightening the existential problem).
Again just as the second level (after natural birth) relates to the differentiation of emotional self, this second level relates to the radial unfolding of the emotional self whereby both specialised integral and differentiated aspects are involved.

However once again an existential problem may arise in relation to the two expressions. Though there is now a universally felt sense of compassion for all beings a considerable problem may yet exist in terms of adequately expressing such compassion in contingent circumstances.

These stages would also have significant implications in scientific terms we will address this point briefly later.

Again just as the third of the lower levels is associated with differentiation of the mental self, in like manner now with R3 - creative Transformation we have the gradual unfolding of the radial mental self, where both holistic (integral) and analytic (differentiated) aspects now closely interact.

I now refer to the next band as the Middle Radial Band (in contrast to the Specialised Radial Band I referred to in my previous update).

Once again this mirrors in a corresponding radial manner several key features that we associated with the Middle Band.

Just as the first of the middle levels is associated with the linear differentiation of empirical phenomena, the corresponding level of this band (MR1 - Active Illumination 1) now leads to the specialised unfolding of the radial mental level (in particular with respect to concrete circumstances). So practical involvement in affairs can now serve as a much more adequate expression of one’s global contemplative vision.

Again just as the second of the middle levels related to the linear differentiation of more abstract (generalised) phenomena, the corresponding middle radial level (MR2 - Active Illumination 2), relates to the unfolding of a more radial type of understanding. Here a greater degree of depth and perspective now exists for active involvement in reality (that is intimately related to pure holistic vision). In turn this leads to greater integration of reason with emotion where universal compassion can now be actively expressed through phenomenal engagement.

Though the middle levels are often treated solely with respect to rational development, the second of the levels would likewise be associated with greater integration of affective and cognitive functions (though in a manner that is unduly dominated by linear understanding).

Finally the third of the middle levels is commonly associated with the centaur and vision-logic understanding. Now the centaur really related to an integrated bodyself (in terms of the understanding of this level). However because of lack of pure spiritual understanding at this time, the integration of the centaur is necessarily of a somewhat reduced nature (where ego concerns still largely operate).

However with the unfolding now of its radial equivalent (MR3 - Active Illumination 3) we can have the truly developed bodyself (where integral and differentiated aspects reach their most refined expression). So from the integral perspective one’s body is identified with the entire world of form so that one can readily see all living creatures as mediators of the same one Spirit. Likewise from the differentiated perspective one can now adequately affirm such realisation through committed active involvement on behalf of others. In Christian terms this could be expressed as “seeing in every living person the image of Christ”. In other words though each person is in a sense unique (with a separate identifiable body), yet all share the same mystical body through a common identity in Spirit. And at this level of the paradox of uniting these two aspects now comes closest to proper reconciliation. 
So whereas wisdom and compassion most characterize MR1 and MR2 respectively, MR3 is most characterized by divine love (relating directly to volitional capacity).

Finally we have the seventh and final band. I mentioned before that - even at the radial levels - a personality bias is likely to operate whereby one consistently tends to identify with either the more active or more passive expression of the mystical life. 
And as I have consistently maintained my own particular account represents just one possible expression of the more passive approach (where contemplation is inherently preferred over activity).

So the final Band is designed as a final - perhaps even heroic - attempt to counteract this imbalance. 
So for the more active mystic this is likely to mean that the final stages are largely associated with the deepening of contemplative activity, and for the passive with great commitment to some active cause (or causes).

Because it is against type this is likely to lead to an increasingly suffering type of involvement accentuated perhaps by the onset of age and the decline of physical and mental functions.

So I now refer to this last band as the Late Radial Band.

The stages here in important senses are likely to match - in significant ways - the earlier traversed higher levels. However whereas for the active type these might have been lacking earlier in contemplative depth this is now significantly reversed. Likewise for the more passive type whereas earlier an unduly contemplative focus pertained (entailing considerable withdrawal from the world) now the active dimension is significantly restored in a form of contemplation that takes place in the midst of suffering involvement in the world. 

So corresponding to H1 - Psychic/Subtle we now have LR1 - Suffering Involvement 1. For the more passive type this would entail a greater level of involvement (combined with continuing contemplation) corresponding mainly in relation to the horizontal external/ polarities (relating directly to the cognitive function).

Corresponding to H2 - Causal we would have LR2 - Suffering Involvement 2 which would for the passive type would entail dealing to a greater extent with the underlying unconscious dynamics associated with increased involvement in affairs. This would correspond mainly with vertical whole/part polarities (related directly to the affective function).

Finally corresponding to H3 - Nondual we have LR3 - Suffering Involvement 3 which again for the passive type would now entail dealing with the deepest existential issues arising from such increased commitment to affairs. This would correspond with the diagonal form/emptiness polarities (related directly to the volitional function).

Of course in practice considerable interaction as between different levels and functions would take place so that the process is never simply linear. However the benefit of this careful delineation of bands, levels and functions is that it enables one to properly identify the underlying structures that are common - in varying measures - with respect to all development.  

A particular concern in terms of this approach to development is the provision of an adequate mathematical basis for a much enlarged scientific interpretation of reality.
In basic terms a unique form of science is associated with each major level that directly corresponds with the distinctive understanding of that level. And the underlying nature of such science is mathematical (again in the precise manner dictated by the understanding of the stage).

Now in an earlier work “The Number Paradigms”, I argued that each major label could be uniquely identified with the holistic mathematical interpretation of a particular number type, the philosophical interpretation of which defines the fundamental structural characteristics of the stage.

To briefly recap with first Band (The Lower Band) the three levels L3, L2 and L1 can be mapped to the holistic interpretation of the binary numbers (1 and 0), the prime numbers and the natural numbers respectively.

The Middle Band can then be linked to the rational numbers (with its three levels, L0, L0,H0 and H0 related to rational number as quantity, rational number as dimension and rational number as both quantity and dimension respectively).

The Higher Band with its three levels H1, H2 and H3 can then be linked to the irrational numbers (algebraic), irrational numbers (transcendental) and transfinite numbers respectively. These levels also open up positive and negative directions (signs) at H1, real and imaginary in both positive and negative directions at H2 and additional complex directions at H3.

The Advanced Higher Band initially proved resistant to such holistic number classification. However this problem was eventually solved with reference to the holistic interpretation of the Euler Identity with the first level (H3-L3) related to the holistic interpretation of 2pi, the second level (H3-L3 – R0) related to the corresponding holistic interpretation of - 2pi and the third level (R0) related to the holistic interpretation of 0.

The Radial Bands then entail the same number designations as with the first three Bands. However this time both the quantitative (analytic) and qualitative (holistic) interpretation of these numbers is involved.

So if we look at the Earlier Radial Band the first level (R1) entails both the qualitative and quantitative interpretation of 1 and 0.

This is reflected in the very nature of my account of the Stages of Development. I have long maintained that it is specifically designed as a R1 intellectual account where all stages are interpreted in terms of a unique configuration of form and emptiness (in holistic terms 1 and 0). So I am using the binary system here (which however now entails positive and negative aspects in real and imaginary terms) as a holistic digital system for encoding all transformation processes.

Now the corresponding quantitative interpretation of these same digits leads to binary digital system that is now being so successfully used as a means of encoding information.

However the clear existential dilemma that is then faced at H1 is the appropriate means of relating these two systems (i.e. so that the pursuit of information is properly balanced with appropriate transformation of reality).

Indeed the great weakness of the current digital revolution is that in being so geared to quantitative interpretation that it remains largely divorced from the corresponding qualitative need of society for appropriate transformation (e.g. in personal and social terms).        

Currently my interests have progressed to a preliminary investigation of the scientific importance of the next level R2.

In appropriate number terms this relates then to an understanding of prime numbers (where both qualitative and quantitative interpretation are involved) with corresponding application then to the structures of development (as experienced at this stage).

Indeed potentially this has immense significance. For some time now my contention has been that - because both quantitative and qualitative aspects are inherent to the very nature of prime numbers - that a radial mathematical interpretation is necessary. Here what is whole - in any context - cannot be properly divorced from what is part (and likewise what is part cannot be divorced from what is whole). Indeed I believe that this opens up a very simple explanation for the famed Riemann Hypothesis. (Indirectly such understanding is already involved in the manner in which complex numbers - allowing for quantitative and qualitative aspects - are already used in the Riemann Zeta Function.
Also appropriate radial understanding of prime numbers will be vital for a proper understanding of the fundamental nature of reality (below the level of observable phenomena). 

Likewise great scientific riches await to be unraveled through appropriate number understanding of the remaining radial levels (though my own immediate attention is currently largely restricted to the R1 and R2 levels).    

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Update on Stages

      UPDATE ON CLASSIFICATION OF STAGES (March 2008) In my latest revision of stages of development, I now distinguish 7 bands (as ...